Free Consultation

Bankruptcy Toronto (Downtown)

Do you feel burdened by financial worries that just won’t clear up? The professionals at Spergels Toronto Downtown office understand, and are here to serve you.

Situated right in the heart of Toronto’s financial district, Spergel’s Toronto Downtown office can help you. Our caring staff is very familiar with the challenges you’ve been dealing with, and we understand the stress you’ve been handling. We listen to your concerns, and our goal is to eliminate your stress as much as possible. Our clients tell us they feel better after their appointments because they can see the road ahead.

msi Spergel inc. - Logo

120 Adelaide Street West, Suite #2500
Toronto, ON M5H 1T1
Free Consultations

We are proud to be located in the downtown area, where our involvement in the community matters so much. It is our pleasure to be a part of it and to meet many of the individuals who live and do business here.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment – we are pleased to help you make a new beginning.

Meet Graeme Hamilton, Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Graeme Hamilton - LIT with Spergel - Licensed Insolvency Trustees (Toronto)

Graeme has been helping individuals, households and firms solve their financial problems since 2012. As a LIT he has extensive knowledge of the Toronto area and manages Spergel’s Danforth and downtown Toronto offices. Graeme is passionate about helping people.

He has worked with hundreds of Toronto area residents in financial distress to overcome their personal debt issues. Prior to working in insolvency, Graeme lived in Cambodia for an extended period doing volunteer work with NGO’s.

Make your free first appointment with Graeme today.

Find Our Offices in Toronto

Please use the map below to find our Toronto office or call at 1-877-959-7347.