Bankruptcy Trois-Rivières, Québec
Getting into a lot of debt is something no one should be ashamed about. Instead of bottling in all of those feelings about your debt, it is better to take productive action.

Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Free Consultations
Consultations Confidentielles Gratuites
There are a few options available to people dealing with debt, you just need to find out which one will work best for you. Our Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Trois-Rivières can assist you with that, as well as with filing a bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, should you decide that’s what you want to do.
Our job is to give you the best possible service and in an efficient manner. During the first consultation we will assess your finances, explain the debt management options available to you, offer our advice, and answer your questions. After that, the final decision on what you will do next is yours. It’s also completely up to you whether or not you want to use our services, and when. The first consultation is free of charge and carries no burden to use our firm in the future.
More about Bankruptcy in Trois-Rivières
Our Trustee in Trois-Rivières has been around for a long time: they’ve been helping people deal with debt for years. They take their job seriously. Their staff is available for immediate consultation.
Our licensed Trustee in Trois-Rivières, can provide real time assistance, support and guidance as you look to fix your financial troubles. When they meets with you, they will build a plan for handling your finances. This plan will depend on how much debt you have incurred, along with a review of your assets and financial holdings.
We believe it is our duty to help everyone who steps through the door with their financial problems. Even if you think your debt is way beyond repair, there is a chance our Trustee will find a clever solution.
To book your free consultation, contact us either through the contact form on this page or by calling our office at 1-888-701-1950.